How to Season Your New Electric Smoker

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Electric smokers are a great way to add flavor and smokiness to your food. They are easy to use and can be used to smoke a variety of foods such as meat, fish, and vegetables. However, before you start using your new electric smoker, it is important to properly season it to ensure that it is ready for use and to prevent any damage.

Seasoning your electric smoker also helps to prevent any unwanted flavors from previous uses from lingering in the smoker. In this article, we will discuss the importance of seasoning a new electric smoker and how to do it. Read our electric smoker maintenance guide to learn the best way to do it.

How to Season Your New Electric Smoker


Seasoning refers to the process of applying a coating of oil or fat to a surface in order to protect it and enhance its non-stick properties. This can refer to a variety of surfaces such as cookware, grills, and smokers. Seasoning also helps to prevent rust and discoloration, and can also add flavor to the food cooked on the surface. Seasoning is typically done before the first use of a new product and occasionally thereafter to maintain the integrity of the surface.

Why Do We Need to Season New Smokers? Is it Necessary?

We need to season new smokers because it helps to protect the interior surfaces from rust and discoloration, and it also helps to enhance the non-stick properties of the smoker. Seasoning also helps to remove any unwanted residue or odors that may have been left over from the manufacturing process.

It is necessary to season a new smoker before using it for the first time because it helps to ensure that the smoker is ready for use and it will perform at its best. It also helps to prevent any damage to the smoker that may occur if it is used without being properly seasoned.

Additionally, seasoning helps to add flavor to the food cooked in the smoker, as the oil used in the seasoning process will infuse into the food while cooking. This can make the food taste better and more flavorful.

In short, seasoning is an important step in the preparation of a new smoker and it is necessary to do it before using the smoker for the first time in order to ensure that the smoker is ready for use, prevent any damage and enhance the taste of the food.

How to Season New Electric Smoker?

The process for seasoning a new electric smoker is relatively simple and can typically be done in a few easy steps:

What You Will Need To properly season your electric smoker, you will need a few materials. These include:

  • A clean cloth or paper towels
  • Cooking oil (vegetable or canola oil work well)
  • A brush or a piece of aluminum foil (if necessary)
  • A thermometer (if your smoker doesn’t have one built-in)

1. Unpack the Electric Smoker from its Packaging

Before seasoning, it is important to unpack the electric smoker from its packaging and remove any materials that may have been used to protect it during shipping.

Carefully remove any tape or staples that may be holding the packaging together. Then remove all the Styrofoam or other packaging materials that may be inside the smoker. Carefully inspect the smoker for any damage or missing parts before beginning the seasoning process.

2. Wipe down your smoker

After the electric smoker is unpacked, the next step is to wipe down the entire exterior and interior of the smoker. Use a clean, damp cloth or paper towel to remove any dust or debris that may have accumulated during the manufacturing process.

Be sure to pay extra attention to the interior of the smoker, including the racks and drip pan. Make sure to wipe down all the corners and seams, as debris and dust can accumulate in these areas. Once you have finished wiping down the smoker, dry it off completely with a clean cloth or paper towel.

3. Use Cooking Oil to Coat Your Smoker

After the smoker is cleaned and dried, the next step is to apply a thin coating of cooking oil to the interior surfaces of the smoker. This can be done using a brush or a piece of aluminum foil. It is recommended to use vegetable or canola oil as they have a high smoke point and will not burn easily. Be sure to coat the interior surfaces evenly, including the racks and the drip pan. Once the oil is applied, use a clean cloth or paper towel to remove any excess oil, leaving a thin and even coating on the interior surfaces.

4. Plugin and Turn on a smoker

Once the smoker has been cleaned, wiped down, and coated with oil, it’s time to turn it on. Make sure that the smoker is plugged into a power source and then turn it on. Set the temperature to between 225 and 250 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the ideal temperature range for the seasoning process.

5. Heat The Smoker

After the smoker has been plugged in and turned on, and the temperature has been set, it is time to begin heating the smoker. This is an important step in the seasoning process as it will help to dry out any remaining moisture from the manufacturing process and will also allow the oil to coat the interior surfaces.

6. Leave to Heat Through for 3 Hours

As we investigated other brands, they all started to season for two to three hours. It is essential to realize that if you season for 3 hours, regardless of the brand, you will exceed the minimum amount required, and it is that which is essential.

It might be a bit smelly when the process is complete, but this is because it removes or burns off all the harmful substances and oils. By putting the electric smoker on high heat, you will also be able to remove the bad smell which can spoil your meat.

7. Add some wood chips

If you are starting after 2 hours of preheating, you will first add 8 to 10 of the wood chips in the wood chip loader. These wood chips will help season and clean an electric smoker to be used to prepare meats and vegetables.
Obviously, this is just a starting point, and I urge you to remember that. Depending on the type of food that you are cooking and the degree of smoke flavor that you desire, you may need to add more or fewer wood chips.

Then, approximately an hour before the end of the cleanup, start adding ten to twelve wood chips to the chip tray. After 20 minutes, add another ten to twelve chips to the tray. A small amount of ash will start to accumulate in the tray. Ash, one of the main sources of smoke used to season the smoker, is produced from these ashes.

You can add another load of wood chips after yet another 20 minutes, as long as it is not overloaded. After that, you will not have to do anything else until the process of seasoning ends after 3 hours.

Be careful not to overload the woodchip loader with too many woodchips. The last step of removing the cinders from the ashtray will be to take off the leftover portion of the work that has been accumulated from the third stack.

8. Finish the seasoning process

Once the smoker has cooled down, the seasoning process is complete. At this point, you can inspect the interior of the smoker to ensure that it has been properly seasoned. The interior surfaces should have a thin, even coating of oil and should not have any rust or discoloration.

By following these steps, your new electric smoker will be properly seasoned and ready for use. Properly seasoning your smoker before using it will help to ensure that it performs at its best and will also help to prevent any damage to the smoker.

The Final Words on Seasoning a New Electric Smoker

Properly seasoning your new electric smoker is an important step in ensuring that it is ready for use and to prevent any damage. The process of seasoning involves cleaning the interior of the smoker, applying a thin layer of oil to the interior surfaces, heating the smoker to a specific temperature for a certain amount of time, and maintaining that temperature.

It is important to use a high-quality oil such as canola or vegetable oil, as they have a high smoke point and will not burn easily. Also, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for seasoning and use, as they may vary depending on the model of smoker you have.

It’s also important to repeat the process again if you find any rust or discoloration on the interior of the smoker in the future, and to maintain the smoker regularly by cleaning it after each use.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your electric smoker is properly seasoned and ready for use, which will enhance the taste of the food and will also help to prolong the lifespan of the smoker.

What Is the Best Oil to Season a Smoker With

The best oil to season a smoker with is one that has a high smoke point and is neutral in flavor. Some common oils that are recommended for seasoning smokers include:

Canola oil: It has a high smoke point of 400 degrees Fahrenheit and a neutral flavor, making it a great choice for seasoning smokers.
Vegetable oil: Similar to canola oil, vegetable oil also has a high smoke point and a neutral flavor, making it a great choice for seasoning smokers.
Peanut oil: It has a high smoke point of around 440 degrees Fahrenheit and a mild, nutty flavor that can add a subtle taste to food.
Avocado oil: It has a high smoke point of around 520 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s also a good source of healthy fats and has a mild, nutty flavor.
Grapeseed oil: It has a high smoke point of around 420 degrees Fahrenheit and a neutral flavor, making it a good choice for seasoning smokers.

How long do you season an electric smoker?

Manufacturers of electric smokers provide detailed instructions with each product they sell. Please read the instructions to find out the exact time for seasoning. You should be able to season most electric smokers after three hours.

What should you smoke for the first time with an electric smoker?

If you have an electric smoker, you can usually smoke any meat you wish. To begin with, it’s better to use cheap cuts of meat for the first time. Start by smoking a chicken or pork butt.

Which wood chunks can you use for seasoning an electric smoker?

During the seasoning process, you can add any wood chunks. This will help you achieve the flavor you are looking for. Maple wood, oak wood, and hickory wood are the main types of smoking wood used.

Should You Use Wood Chips When Seasoning?

Even though there is a lot of opposition to this, I suggest using wood chips after two years of passive heating. It helps create a strong foundation for the first time you smoke.

Is it necessary to wash the inside before seasoning?

An excellent way to get rid of the remaining dust and oil in the inner is to wash it. Many people are hesitant to take this step because they don’t believe it is necessary.I recommend that you do that because it will provide you with the best results.

Can i Use Pellets Instead of Wood Chips?

For seasoning an electric smoker, pellets are an excellent choice, but they shouldn’t be used for the first time when the smoker is purchased. This could lead to an unpleasant taste in the food and a residue on metal surfaces if pellets are used in the food.

Do I need to season my electric smoker again?

There is a possibility that the seasoning process may need to be repeated if you scrub off the coating that resulted from the first time seasoning. As a result of re-seasoning, you can also eliminate the specific flavor left behind by particular smoking types of meat.


To store your electric smoker properly, you will need to keep it in a cool, dry place. The metal surfaces will be protected from corrosion, and the smoker will remain in good working order.

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About Johan Haas 

I am excited to share my journey and experiences with grilling, smoking, and backyard BBQ with you. With years of experience behind the grill, I have learned the ins and outs of different grills, accessories, and techniques. My goal is to help you become a BBQ master by sharing my knowledge and providing honest reviews on the latest products.

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